500$ Reward Seo Challenge

Diposting oleh Mohammed Jevrie Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

I don’t claim to be an seo expert but I know some technique on how to rank a site into the first page of Google for a chosen keyword.

One time I decided to visit Digital Point Forum when I saw this post from a forum member, he is challenging any seo especialist who can get his blog on the first page of Google in just a month for the keyword Muslim Blog and he will pay 500$.

I told him that I want to try and ask him the url of his blog. I found out later that there are five of us who took the challenge. So I ask him if how he can determine the winner, he told me that he will be updated and proof will be shown. Everything is not clear to me yet but I want to do an experiment, I want to test if some of my seo technique is still working.

I checked his blog, its title tag is “Life is about Believing” with very few muslim and blog keyword on the body. I ask my self if it is possible to get this blog on the first page of Google for the keyword Muslim Blog in just a month time. From what I know the reason why Adobe.com is no.1 for the keyword “click here” because there are a lot of links with an anchor text “click here” that is pointing to Adobe.com and it was achieved not in single month I’m sure. Our website condosphilippines.com is currently no.1 in Google for our target keyword “philippine condominium” and philippine condominiums” because I put those keywords in the title tag.

Anyway, I just want to do an experiment. I made a blog and told him that all my activities will be posted there. I linked his blog to some of my blogs, submitted to some bookmarking sites and put a link in my forum signature in DP. After a week I checked his blog on the serps, it’s still not moving, then later on I decided to quit.

But he sent me this private message, he’s asking me to pursue since the other four already quited. He’s giving me the whole May to have his site on the first page of Google and promised to pay me 500$ if I can do the job.

I accepted his request but I told him to put a “muslim blog” keyword in the title tag, meta description and in the footer. He told me that he does not know how to do it so I made a PDF tutorial and sent it to him, then I started to do off page optimization again.

May 14, his blog was already on the first page of Google Uk and Google world. I sent him a message about it but for two weeks I did not received any reply from him. So I decided to stop working at it since I’m not sure if I will be paid. The blog drop to page 2 then I received a message from him and he told me that his blog is not on the first page but two. I gave him the link of the screenshot, the proof that I was able to have his blog on the first page of Google. I told him that I already worked hard for his blog and I could have it back on the first page again but I ask him to pay me first even half of the agreed 500$. He promised to pay me in June, I waited but nothing came.

He asked me before to give him advice on how to maintain his ranking, I told him that he should update his blog not only once every month but daily if possible and this is what he is doing. Now the blog is back on the first page again in Google, I sent him a message if I don’t deserve the reward. I told him that I waited for his payment but nothing came.

He did not reply to me so I started a thread on Digital Point asking for advice on what to do. He replied on the forum and he said I did not do the job but he is the one who did it, he said he blog all day and night and join forums. I told him that my job has been done for his Blog, the contract is to have his blog on the first page of Google in May and I did it but he told me he was away at that time.

He promised to pay me 250$ next month, he said that I only contributed a little to his Blog so 250$ is enough. I I told him that I’ll accept that 250 and ask him if it is possible to pay me first week of October. I have not received any reply from him. Somebody is advising me to report it to Ripoff Report.com but I will still give him another chance, let’s wait and see.

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